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ONLINE: Angelic Breath Healing Summer Solstice ↠

Angelic Breath Healing Summer Solstice

Thursday, June 20th
11:00am - 12:30pm pst
class recorded & shared after

Gathering on the Summer Solstice, this class is an invitation to enter your Heart and commune with Mother Earth’s guardian angels. Its said that veils between the worlds of human and fae thin and lift in the betwixt & between days and hours - this includes dusk, dawn, Midnight, Solstices, Equinoxes, and cross-quarter holidays like Beltaine and Samhain.

This class will introduce the blessings of Nature’s angels and guide you through a reflective process and breath meditation to harmonize with the energies of Summer Solstice.

We will begin with a brief grounding meditation and an introduction to the class theme, followed by a guided breath meditation where you are invited to experience the magical blessings of Solstice and the Fae.

Options for Signing Up:

Single Class: $22; class will be recorded and shared afterwards for ongoing access.

Angelic Breath Healing Monthly Membership: $18 monthly
Angelic Breath Healing Monthly online classes take place the third Thursday of the month at 11am PST. Classes will be recorded and posted in a private web portal. Signing up grants access to all previous recordings & can be canceled at anytime.

2024 Class Dates (upcoming themes to be announced):
June 20th, July 18th, August 15th, September 19th, October 17th, November 21st, December 19th

Praise from previous class participants…

“Being guided + held by you is such a blessing. The gift of your careful, thoughtful, intentional curation invited me to drop deeply into my heart space. I received so much affirmative wisdom by connecting to my breath, the softness of my body, the prayer from the music, the angelic presence, the ancestral protection. Roses, mothers and babies, midnight mass, god in everything, unconditional gratitude, real presence and soul journey threads. I agree with one of the comments – it felt like my kind of church, where feeling beloved was the sermon.”

— Courtney Mann

For additional information about Angelic Breath Healing - and for free introductory practices you can take from the comfort of your own home - please click here.

June 18

ONLINE: Summer of Saints ↠

June 21

IN-PERSON: A Midsummer Night’s Dreamdate in Topanga, CA ↠