Angels are messengers
of our hearts
Just like air – angels are largely invisible, ever-present, and essential for our surviving and thriving on Planet Earth. Connecting with angels can serve as a spiritual resource for nourishing and encouraging your human experience.
Breathwork amplifies connection with yourself, your intuition, and your inner experience.
Angelic Breath Healing
watch the video below for an introduction +
experience An 11 minute guided audio practice underneath
You can view a video explanation here.
The Breath is a 3-part practice. The invitation is to breathe in through the mouth, into the low belly, up into the upper chest and out through the mouth. Before you begin your meditation, set yourself up laying down in a comfortable space.
Do not have a big pillow under your neck for the breathing
I suggest having a blanket or eye cover on hand as your temperature can shift. The eye cover can help hold the meditative energy, though it is completely optional. -
If you are navigating or aware of intense trauma, engaging breathwork could potentially surface this trauma. Please exercise discernment, and if unsure – encouragement to seek 1:1 care from a trauma therapist and/or trauma-informed practitioner.
Don’t do this practice if:
• You have a history of seizures, epilepsy, or any other serious medical condition.
• You are pregnant (pregnant women can do breathwork, but it’s advised to practice with supervision).
• If you have any questions or concerns please check with your doctor. I am not a medical professional, and this is NOT to be construed as medical advice.
By partaking in Angelic Breath Healing meditations, you are taking full responsibility for any and all experiences that may occur. Madeline Giles and Angelic Breath Healing do not provide medical, therapy, or psychotherapy services. Madeline Giles and Angelic Breath Healing are not responsible or liable for any decisions you make as a result of engaging this process and/or any consequences thereof.
How to continue your Angelic Breath Healing practice
What can Angelic Breath Healing assist with?
Most of us live in a culture that commercially encourages looking outside for the answers, for the “right way” to go.
We constantly receive information telling us how to do everything- whom to be,
what to believe, how to heal. But the truth is, if we simply connect with our body and attune to our heart’s voice – the space
inside where Angels communicate through us – we know exactly what path to walk.
It may or may not look like everyone else’s – but the important thing is we are acting from a place of inner truth,
rather than someone else’s ideas or programming. The Angels are attuned to your heart’s wisdom,
to your intuition, and they lovingly guide us to honor it every step of the way.
We just have to listen. Angelic Breath Healing holds the space for deep listening.
Pre-recorded Angelic Breath Healing Classes
While the live classes tend to be recorded in harmony with the full moon, new moon, or cross-quarter holiday, you can practice at anytime of the year and receive the benefit of the breath meeting you where you are.