Dreams Madeline Giles Dreams Madeline Giles

Dreaming with my Soul Voice

This past September, I attended a dreamwork retreat. We spent five days deepening into our dreams and giving voice and expression to the underlying messages woven within them. One of my retreat intentions was to become more intimately attuned to the harmony, resonance, and expression of my Soul’s Voice…my true inner voice.

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Dreams Madeline Giles Dreams Madeline Giles

What my dreams revealed to me about violent extremism

Last week, I dreamed of violent extremists infiltrating my home, wearing badges that said “Our Future.” I sensed they weren't specifically looking for me - but would undoubtedly kill anything or anyone who crossed their path. There was no shred of empathy, humanity, or heart within the extremists.

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Angels Madeline Giles Angels Madeline Giles

Dove wisdom and how to navigate challenging times🕊️

These times are not easy. We are witnessing climate collapse, atrocious war crimes, misogyny, sexism, racism, too many isms — lessening of women's rights. All will not be “okay” for many people, and the truth is, it hasn't been “okay” for many people for a long time.

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Dreams Madeline Giles Dreams Madeline Giles

Past Lives: what if our souls have been here before?

Around 15 years ago, I became obsessed with past lives. I read Brian Weiss' Many Lives, Many Masters, followed by his several sequels. I then learned about Michael Newton's Life Between Lives; I read his books that detailed hypnotherapy experiences where people recalled memories of the afterlife in which they accessed deeply soulful clarity on patterns unfolding in their lives. 

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Soul-centered Storytelling Madeline Giles Soul-centered Storytelling Madeline Giles

A story about St. Rita

While each of the Saints exude unconditional, heartfelt service – they all have unique signatures and essences. St. Rita feels like my resilient, unf*ckable-with aunt who makes honey in her spare time – the one who surprises me with her sweetness. The one I call to share the best and worst of times with.

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Love Letters Madeline Giles Love Letters Madeline Giles

The Call vs. The Pull

There is a difference between The Call and The Pull. The Call beckons to the threshold - that liminal space between the known and the unknown, between vision and action. The Call might feel uncomfortable, scary, exhilarating - courageous. The Call might feel boring, mundane, and necessary. The Call might feel easy but not simple to ignore.

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Dreams Madeline Giles Dreams Madeline Giles

I wrote a book!

My bedside booklet Then I Woke Up: Dreaming with Mother Earth is now available for purchase! This 45-page booklet shares a series of six Earth-centric dreams I've received over the past few years. 

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Angels Madeline Giles Angels Madeline Giles

In reverence to Hildegard of Bingen

Hildegard of Bingen lived in 12th century Germany as a visionary, prophetess, poet, herbalist, angelic musician, Benedictine abbess, and mystic whose teachings, musical compositions, scientific discoveries, healing methods, and art remains relevant and revolutionary today. 

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Earth Nourishment Madeline Giles Earth Nourishment Madeline Giles

The language of omens as a guide for doing things differently.

Last week, I went to breakfast with a new friend here in Colorado. On my walk over to meet up with her, I was reflecting on the upcoming series I'm facilitating called Doing Things Differently. A question present in my consciousness was – how can I speak to those who yearn to experience a fresh start yet are just … over it? Frozen over? Have already tried doing things differently only to end up in the same place, inside and out?

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Soul-centered Storytelling Madeline Giles Soul-centered Storytelling Madeline Giles

A story about believing in Santa (even when science said stop).

I’ve always considered myself a late bloomer. I believed in Santa Claus until 8th grade – and stopped only because my science teacher did a lecture before Christmas on why it's scientifically impossible for Santa to be real. It was supposed to be a fun and playful lecture before the holiday break and yet, I remember feeling completely deflated.

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Spiritual Psychology Madeline Giles Spiritual Psychology Madeline Giles

Soul Growth & Groundhog Day

Awakening to a spiritual path can be like getting into a dream date relationship at first - there can be a honeymoon phase of all the doors opening, synchronistic signs galore, external encouragement that's like food for the ego's favorite story, “I'm doing this right! This must mean I'm on the right path.”

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Trauma Resolution Madeline Giles Trauma Resolution Madeline Giles

A story for transforming overwhelm into animal magic.

These past two weeks, my partner and I have been preparing to move on a much faster timeline than either of us anticipated. I have moved a lot in my life, and the thought of moving is usually more daunting than the move itself. I love to find ways to bring delight into the mundane moments of moving; little things like listening to playlists I love and imagining myself as a river flowing to a new destination help soften the intensity of uprooting to re-root.

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Trauma Resolution Madeline Giles Trauma Resolution Madeline Giles

What feels stuck in your life right now? Start there.

This past week, I've experienced a bit of writer's block. When I've sat down to write, I've felt churning discomfort and an urge to focus on something else.

Over the years, I've learned that in order to hear, access, and receive my inner voice – the wise and curious core nature from which it feels like my writing flows – it's necessary to start where I'm at.

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Earth Nourishment Madeline Giles Earth Nourishment Madeline Giles

If you yearn to melt your magic, look towards nature.

In a culture where left-brained logic rules systems, structures, thoughts, and ways of being, believing in fairies (let alone having a real, down-to-earth relationship with them) seems… well, way too out there. After childhood, there isn’t much encouragement or permission to lean into the imaginal, to the magical, to the streams of blessings that generously pour through intimacy with nature.

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