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ONLINE: Angelic Breath Healing with Archangel Raphael ↠

Angelic Breath Healing with Archangel Raphael

90-minute class recording

While all angels embody healing presence, Archangel Raphael is revered as the Angel of Healing and resonates with the power of the Heart. Raphael’s energy exudes compassionate presence - the root of compassion (co-passion) means to be with suffering. In my experience, Archangel Raphael helps us to turn towards places inside that are hurting. If your heart is hurting and/or set aflame in the midst of this disturbing and heartbreaking global violence and terror - bring your heart, your prayers, your grief and passion to this class. May the power of your heart and Raphael’s gentle-fierce heart presence meet you where you are and help reveal the next right step.

In addition to holy heart medicine, Archangel Raphael can assist with nourishing the body - helping to clarify supportive body practices and guiding to resonant practitioners when appropriate. This class will serve as a space to be with your body and to listen deeply to the voice of your Heart.

We will begin class with a brief grounding meditation, an introduction to Archangel Raphael, followed by a guided breath meditation where you are invited to experience the soothing strength of Archangel Raphael.

Options for Signing Up:

Single Class: $25; receive the class recording upon signing up below

Praise from previous class participants…

“Being guided + held by you is such a blessing. The gift of your careful, thoughtful, intentional curation invited me to drop deeply into my heart space. I received so much affirmative wisdom by connecting to my breath, the softness of my body, the prayer from the music, the angelic presence, the ancestral protection. Roses, mothers and babies, midnight mass, god in everything, unconditional gratitude, real presence and soul journey threads. I agree with one of the comments – it felt like my kind of church, where feeling beloved was the sermon.”

— Courtney Mann

For additional information about Angelic Breath Healing - and for free introductory practices you can take from the comfort of your own home - please click here.

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