this series meets you there.


december 22, 2022


These journaling prompts are designed to assist with integrating the Pray-tience class + completing Creative Nourishment.

Creative Nourishment Feedback Form

Receive a free, guided 18-minute Angelic Breath Healing meditation for Creativity in exchange for sharing a bit of feedback on your experience in this class. Feedback and reflections on your experience are incredibly helpful for me to hear - and it can also help call in the right people for this series next time I lead it :)
There are about 4 questions on the feedback form - once you press submit, you will automatically be redirected to the meditation (which is downloadable). 
Here is the feedback form + access to the meditation:


Card: The Blue Flame
Deck: Starseed Oracle by Rebecca Campbell

spontaneous awakening. activation. integration time.

This is a card of awakening and energetic upgrades. Perhaps you’re going through a period of spontaneous awakening - receiving visions and having experiences that are out of the ordinary.

In the West, little is known about the process of spontaneous awakening, and it can feel very scary when we’re going through it alone. Elsewhere, they can be seen as auspicious experiences with those going through them being treated with tender care.

The Blue Beings are throughout to be activating beings with great potential for healing and upgrading our cellular structures. They appear in moments of extreme awakening, activating a physical kundalini awakening and deep cellular and DNA healing.

Many people glamorize in the awakening process; however, in reality it’s much messier and more difficult than most of us believe. We must first let go of what we think we know for sure and how we make sense of the world This isn’t easy. The awakening process (even when it’s ‘spontaneous’) takes a considerable amount of time to integrate, and awakening without integration can leave us feeling very ungrounded.

If you’re in the midst of an awakening (the process never ends), treat this time as deeply sacred and give yourself ample space to ground and integrate the extreme changes you’re going through.

STARSEED ACTIVATION: I allow myself to surrender to the awakening process that’s right for me. I take things slowly and integrate my experience each and every day.


december 15, 2022


These journaling prompts are designed to assist with integrating the Soul Group class + meditation.


Card: Hidden Path
Deck: Gaia Oracle by Toni Carmine Salerno

the marriage of spirit and matter

You have traveled far in search of greater meaning and fulfillment, having made much progress and learning valuable lessons. You want to continue your journey, but the road seems to have come to an end. Where do you go from here? The symbolic imagery on this card is set within a magical forest: it seems inviting, yet the way forward is not clear.

No physical path exists, however there is a way forward. Between the trees is a symbol for eternal life and to the right, a symbol for healing and protection. This card is inviting you to move forward spiritually and offers you healing and protection along the way. Spirit and matter must now merge if true progress is to be made; your rational mind must align with your heart. When heart and mind are both focused on the same goal, great things are possible. This is true spiritual alchemy; all you work towards can now be achieved.


december 8, 2022


These journaling prompts are designed to assist with integrating the Mystical Decision Making class + meditation.


Card: Hidden Knowledge
Deck: Priestess of Light by Sandra Anne Taylor, art by Kimberly Webber

akashic records, silent understanding

The Priestess of the Lynx gazes at the world with silent understanding. Supernatural eyesight is attributed to the lynx, giving it the ability to see what is secret or hidden. Its tufted ears symbolize clairaudience, the ability to hear what isn’t being said. This represents your power at this time.

If you sit in silence, a deeper understanding will reveal itself. You will see what people are hiding - from you, from others, and even from themselves. You will also be able to hear and comprehend their secrets. in fact, you may find that people share with you their hidden truths and troubles. For this reason, this card could also indicate a new career direction. Due to your deeper understanding and the willingness of others to open up to you, a profession like psychology, social work, or life coaching may be ideal.

The lynx is also associated with revelation, mysticism, and wisdom from the unseen world. This means that you have unlimited access to the Akashic Records, the Universal source of all information, including every detail of every life that each soul entity has ever lived. In addition to seeing your past lives and future potentials, you have the ability to understand the influence of your present, where all your thoughts, words, and actions become the causes of future effects. You are now able to bring a higher consciousness to your daily life, and to receive all the diverse wisdom and inspiration that the Akashic Records offer.

So spend some time in silent reflection. Relax and receive the information that is hidden from others. Trust your intuitive understanding, for the power of the lynx brings clarity and profound connections to the secret energy all around you.

AFFIRMATION: I am blessed with intuitive wisdom. I receive helpful insight from the Akashic Records whenever I may need it.


december 1, 2022


These journaling prompts are designed to assist with integrating the Creative Gatekeeping class
while attuning to your next steps.


Card: Diligence (Maroon)
Deck: Energetics of Color by Cameron Giles, illustrated by Lori Menna

You’ve got your eye on the prize and an action plan that is guaranteed to deliver results. Your finish line is approaching and you’ve got what it takes, not to mention an abundance of resources to complete the task at hand. Keep up the fastidious effort!


Taking action to reach your desired outcome.


A fundamental understanding of what needs to get done and a willingness to follow through.


Productivity. An eye on the end goal.


A results-oriented approach.


I am on my way and my path is free and clear.


NOVEMBER 17, 2022


These journaling prompts are designed to assist with integrating the Inner Critic class.
You’ll be invited to revisit and expand upon what came up for you in class, and explore what next steps doable you’re ready to commit to.


Card: Get Grounded
Deck: Work Your Light by Rebecca Campbell

empaths. highly sensitives. connect with nature.

You are being called to get grounded. To ensure that your luminous field is clear and your inner well is full. If you’re not grounded, it is all too easy to get swept up in other people’s energy and mistake it for your own. Your boundaries will become blurred, as you are absorbing the energies around you and struggling to define what is their stuff and what is yours.

If you pulled this card, you are very likely an empath or a highly sensitive person, and need time alone to fill up your well, balance your energy, and get grounded. There are two types of people: those who draw their energy from others and those who draw their energy from within. Reflect on which one you are and carve out time each day to ensure your well is being replenished. Being sensitive is a superpower, but like all powers, it needs to be nurtured in order to be fulfilled.

It is easy to get swept up in the high-frequency energies that are swirling around the planet. The quickest and most effective way of clearing al lof this from your field is to ground yourself by connecting with Mother Earth.

There are many ways to get grounded; one of the most powerful ones is to practice Earthing by connecting to the power of Mother Earth. Spend time in nature, put your hands on a tree (your palms are extensions of your heart chakra) or walk barefoot on the Earth.

WORK YOUR LIGHT ACTION: Do something to get grounded and connect with the Earth.


NOVEMBER 11, 2022


These journaling prompts are designed to assist with metabolizing our class together.
There are suggestions for continued integration - as always, please take what’s doable for you and know you can return to this class and prompts at anytime.


Card: Four of Wands
Deck: Inner Child Cards by Isha and Mark Lerner

one of the ultimate mysteries of creation is the life force contained with a seed.

When planting a garden, we prepare the soil much like we would create a cozy bed for a child. We cover the seed with rich soil in order to allow it a period of gestation. Soon, it blossoms into a triumphant plant, bursting forth above the ground and reaching upward toward the sky. The metaphor of the seed is applicable to every aspect of our lives: the seed of knowledge, the seed of truth, the germination of consciousness.

This card depicts the planting of new wisdom and the reconstruction of an intuitive foundation. The garden has four corners, representing the four seasons and the four cardinal directions. In ancient Greece, the symbols of the seasons were four women: Summer was adorned with a crown of grain; Autumn wore a basket of fruit; Spring wore a wreath of flowers; Winter was bareheaded. The fairies pictured in this card represent springtime, when new planting takes place and a new season of Sun and sprouting awaits.

In your life, new ideas are seeding themselves. Prepare your life for the fruits that you will bear. Plant your creativity and watch it grow.


NOVEMBER 5, 2022


Card: The Fertile Void
Deck: The Rose Oracle by Rebecca Campbell

inner winter. rest. patience. potency. secret beginnings.

This is a very auspicious card. It holds the potent golden seeds of a new beginning and the aftermath of an end. We’re called to have patience and enter a state of deep rest, repair, regeneration, and acceptance. To let a part of our lives, or even who we once were, metaphorically die in order to seed, sprout, bud, and bloom again.

There’s often a letting go, a grief or mourning involved. A death of self or what once was. The ending of things that were once important. Relationships, jobs, identities, ways of being. The fertile void asks that we honor endings to begin again. It’s a crucial part of growth and new isn’t possible without it.

In the card you can see the golden seed cradled in the dark, fertile womb of the soil. It’s easy to mistake this phase of growth as one where nothing much is happening. But beneath the surface of the winter soil, things have never been more active.

Winter is a phase of initation, renewal, and rebirth. When we’re going through a period of inner winter, we experience this too. We metaphorically ‘go underground’ by coming to a standstill and allowing ourselves to recover and rest. We don’t realize it, but this is the most important part of our growth. And it takes faith and surrender to do it.

Trust the sureness of soil. The new is being woven without you having to micromanage every move.

Trust the sureness of soil. Be cradled by the great mystery. This is a very tender, powerful time.

SOUL INQUIRY: How can you surrender into the great mystery?


Below please find foundational resources + optional practices to support your experience with Creative Nourishment.

Journaling Prompts

these pre-class journaling prompts will help you clarify intentions, where you get stuck, and encourage a few small practices for nourishing your creative voice. you can download the pdf and answer on your own - and/or if you’d like to share your responses with me and receive a digital copy in your email, click the google form button below.


This Zoom link + Meeting ID will be used for all classes in this series

Creative Nourishment zoom meeting room link

Meeting ID: 834 0089 4176


Angelic Breath Healing Live Sessions

prequel class: fine-tune your your creative channel
Saturday, november 5th - 10:00am - 11:15am pst

Your creative channel is rare, unique, precious, and divinely designed. Like fine-tuning an instrument,
this Angelic Breath Healing class will guide you through a process of grounding and harmonizing with your creative channel.

Meeting the ESSENCE of your Art
Friday, November 11th - 10:00am - 11:30am PST

This Angelic Breath Healing class guides you through a process of meeting and attuning to the Essence, Soul, and True Nature of your Work.
You’ll be invited to attune to your art as an inner presence and listen to what they’re ready to share with you.

Your Offerings + Your inner critic
Thursday, November 17th - 10:00am - 11:30am PST

This Angelic Breath Healing class invites you to call in your inner critic! Every single one of us has one — and this protector-type knows exactly what to say to encourage self-sabotage that could lead to shelving long-standing creative dreams. The inner critic will compare and despair, the inner critic will whisper things like, “Who do you think you are? You’re terrible at this…” Not a very fun creative companion! This class isn’t about denying the inner critic, rather it’s a space to bring curiosity and compassionate inner parenting so the critic doesn’t take the lead on your creative visions.

Creative Gatekeeping: Exploring What Nourishes Your Art
…& What Depletes and Dilutes
Thursday, December 1st - 10:00am - 11:30am PST

What stands in the way between you and your creative voice? What nourishes and encourages your creative voice? Common depletions can be: taking in too much of everyone else’s words, social media scrolling, not showing up for any dedicated time to prioritize your art, and unconsciously allowing the inner critic to take the lead. This class is an invitation to bring presence and compassionate consciousness to the needs of your art.

Mystical Decision Making
Thursday, December 8th - 10:00am - 11:30am PST

Creative Expression is a process of refinement and discernment. Whether you are sitting with big questions or smaller, more detailed curiosities, this Angelic Breath Healing class will guide you through a mystical and practical process for decision making and attuning to the next step(s) that are right for you.


Thursday, December 15th - 10:00am - 11:30am PST

Your creativity is divinely designed to resonate as an offering for the world, sometimes quite specifically as an answered prayer to a soul group’s calling. This breath class will invite you through a process of calling in and attuning to the people, soul groups, perhaps places and energies that will receive blessings through your art.

Pray-tience: Nourishing creative grit

Thursday, December 22nd - 10:00am - 11:30am PST

Our final class in this series serves as a sacred space for returning to the True Nature of your offering(s). As we welcome the dawning of the sun in the Northern Hemisphere on the longest night of the year, this class serves as a space to honor nature’s timing in relation to your art - and the sometimes mundane grit required to keep showing up for your art.

Tuesdays; 8am - 10am PST
Not recorded

Dates: november 15, 22, 29
December 6, 13

This is a space to gather and co-work in a shared yet private, dedicated space for your art. We’ll start with a short opening blessing, followed by quiet time in a shared Zoom room (you can have your video and sound off) where we’ll be devoting time to our art. We’ll finish each session with a brief celebration for showing up.

10:00am - 11:00am PST
Not recorded


saturday, november 19th
saturday, december 10th

These sharing circles are a space to voice what you’re called to create, what you’re working on, and what you’re experiencing, learning, and letting go of through this process.

“Mystery is at the heart of creativity. That, and surprise...
As creative channels, we need to trust the darkness.”

- julia cameron