BOOK A PRIVATE DREAM ILLUMINATION SESSIONPlease fill out the form below and Madeline will be in touch via email to schedule. Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone Number In case you can not be reached via email or in the unlikely event of a last-minute scheduling change Pronouns What is your intention for our session, what are you hoping to receive through 1:1 Dream Illumination? Do you have any prior experience with dreamwork? What days/times work best for you to meet for our session? Dream Illumination Sessions have a few different options, which one are you interested in? One Session - $198 Three Sessions - $594 Three Months - $1,188 (payment plans available) Not yet sure, for now I'd like to begin with one session Is there anything else you’d like me to know? Thank you! Madeline will reach out via email with next steps. Please add to your contacts - if you have not received an email within 3 business days, check your spam.