Imbolc - beltane
February 2, 2023 - April 30, 2023
As you cross the threshold from one year to the next, be honest:
What does your heart yearn for - what are you called to create and experience in this chapter of your life?
And … how aligned is your current life with this yearning?
The dream seeds planted in the holy darkness of your heart
are here because they’re needed, because they matter.
Because they point you in the direction needed to emerge into
the person you were born to become.
Even if there’s currently zero evidence of this heartfelt dream emerging into your life,
Even if hurt, bitterness, and doubt have cast a stark shadow on the garden of your heart -
Even if this heartfelt yearning has been put on the farthest back burner up until now -
it’s not too late; your heartfelt dreams will never give up on you.
One of the biggest regrets of the dying is,
"I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself,
not the life others expected of me."
This series serves as an invitation to courageously listen
and act in sacred partnership with your heart
so you can start to live without wistfully wishing that
maybe, someday, if and when this happens, then I’ll go for it.
live classes are recorded on zoom and posted in a private web portal
entering the garden of your heart
Thursday, February 2nd, 2023
3:00pm - 4:30pm PST
Our opening circle will guide you through a process of meeting your Heartfelt Dream
as both a feeling and an embodied guide. We’ll also explore the landscape of your life now:
What’s it like to be you in relationship to this heartfelt dream seed?
This process will help inform both the structure and flow of the week’s ahead.
Oracular Structure:
Create a treasure map for your dream seeds to grow
Sunday, February 5th 2023
10:00am - 11:30am PST
This is an accountability and structure class for people who are usually averse to such things.
You’ll be guided through a process of attuning to both mystical and practical action steps in the coming months
in ways that honor the needs of your heartfelt dream. I’ll also guide a meditation that is designed to widen your capacity to be with both the parts of you that are ready to move forward and the parts of you that are perhaps resistant or hesitant.
dream seed shadowlands:
grieving unlived lives and the “what if’s”
Sunday, February 19th 2023
10:00am - 11:30am PST
Entering the shadowlands of your heart is an invitation to
acknowledge the dream seeds that didn’t come to pass the way you had hoped or anticipated.
Through this class, you’ll be invited to lean into your unlived dreams and their needs so you can
free yourself from the emotional burdens of living in the land of what if.
giving your feelings a voice
Sunday, March 5th 2023
10:00am - 11:30am PST
Your heart speaks in feeling - and every feeling is a messenger.
This class guides you through a process of attuning to and giving your feelings a voice.
If we could trust that your feelings held wisdom,
what message are they attempting to share with you?
dream seed shadowlands:
doubt & jealousy
Sunday, March 19, 2023
10:00am - 11:30am PST
When left unchecked, doubt and jealousy can serve like a parched drought in the garden of heartfelt dreams.
With an invitation to re-enter the Dream Seed Shadowlands,
this class will guide you through a process of somatically exploring jealousy and doubt,
while opening to receive resources are needed to meet you here and ahead.
meet your fairy godmother &
reclaim positive projections
Sunday, April 2nd 2023
10:00am - 11:30am PST
Along the pathless way of the heart, there are angels and allies who can show up like a Fairy Godmother. This class will invite you through a process of attuning to this helpful heart presence while softening the burdens you may have been carrying up until now. You will also be invited through a process of owning the positive qualities you see in others as a mirror of your sweet self.
blessings from your ancient future self
Sunday, April 16th 2023
10:00am - 11:30am PST
Your Ancient Future Self is a spiritual consciousness this class will focus on tuning into.
What message does your Ancient Future Self have for you in relation to your heartfelt dream?
beltane blessing CEREMONY
Sunday, April 30th 2023
10:00am - 11:30am PST
Beltane is a cross-quarter holiday that celebrates the fertile emergence of summer’s bloom.
No matter what season your heartfelt dream is currently in,
our final blessing ceremony will serve as a space for honoring all that’s unfolded in the previous months
while attuning to the divine ripening of your heartfelt dream seeds.
First three Tuesdays of the month starting February 7th;
8am - 10am PST
Not recorded
Dates: february 7, 14, 21
march 7, 14, 21
april 4, 11, 18
This is a space to gather and co-work in a shared yet private, dedicated space for your heartfelt dreams. We’ll start with a short opening blessing, followed by quiet time in a shared Zoom room (you can have your video and sound off) where we’ll be devoting time to our heartfelt dreams. We’ll finish each session with a brief celebration for showing up.
8 Live, Bi-Weekly Classes - Recorded
Heartfelt Dreams includes eight, 90-minute live sessions, each with a specific topic to attune to. Madeline will offer an invocation and blessing at the start of class, followed by an introduction on the class theme, pulling an oracle card, opening up the space for an optional check in and sharing, and then we’ll journey through a guided practice related to the topic of the day. These practices include Angelic Breath Healing (breathwork), guided meditaitons, journaling reflections, and intuitive exercises designed to strengthen trust in yourself. Madeline will offer various options for the breath so you can attune to a practice that works best for you. These classes will be recorded and posted in a private web portal, and every live class will include optional integration practices to tune into throughout the weeks between classes.
9 Co-Creating Sessions - Not Recorded
Co-Creating sessions are a 2-hour space to devote to your heartfelt dreams and art. We’ll meet in a shared Zoom room to provide community and accountability while we spend time focused on creation. You’re welcome to have your video and sound off during these sessions, you’re also welcome to show up for part of the time and leave when you need to. We’ll have a brief connection and celebration at the end of each session.
“The belief that there is some future moment
more worth our presence than the one we’re in right now is why we miss our lives.”
-Cory Muscara-
You’re ready to nourish a heartfelt dream that deeply matters to you no matter how close or far away it presently feels
You’ve maybe tried *a lot of things* - you’ve read the books, followed “expert” formulas and how-to steps, listened to others’ opinions who seem to have what you want - and still feel frustrated by a lack of integrated results
You consider yourself sensitive and feel like you’ve never quite fit into the rhythms set by the world around you
You’re yearning for a space to listen to your body, to attune to your physiology in relationship to your heartfelt dreams
You know that nurturing your heartfelt dreams includes shadow-work, and you’re yearning for a dedicated container to lovingly attune to the layers of your inner world (with consent and in your own timing).
You feel excited about grounding into the grace of your heartfelt dreams in a way where practical meets mystical
Heartfelt Dreams is likely a fit for you if…
Heartfelt Dreams is not the best fit for:
Someone who is currently in need of a lot of 1:1 attention and sense what they’re needing now isn’t the best fit in a group.
Someone who expects quick magic fixes – while attuning to the body and nervous system holds deep magic and possibility, this series isn’t designed to be a quick fix to stamp onto life. It’s an invitation to deepen intimacy with your own energy, to receive, learn, and experience practices that you can return to again and again.
Someone who has a very challenging time attuning to the sensations of their body - while you are wholeheartedly deserving of care, this series isn’t the best fit to meet you there.
i have a question, how can i get in contact with you?
We begin Heartfelt Dreams on Imbolc, the Celtic cross-quarter holiday that honors the halfway point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox as a gentle spark emerging from the awakening Earth.
I’ve been offering retreats and classes on tending to heartfelt dreams over the past 5 years.
In the midst of this wild and weird time, a personal and tender heartfelt dream came into being in a way I least expected. While I didn’t need for this dream to come true to keep showing up for my heartfelt dreams - it certainly has nourished deepened trust and faith in divine timing and awe in the process of who I became in the midst of following this heartfelt dream.
You can read all about how this dream came into being in this post I wrote by clicking here: “Read this next time you’re ready to give up on love.”
Whether your heartfelt dreams feel closer than close or so far away, I hope this story serves as encouraging nectar in the garden of your dreams.
And if you’re called to nurture this dream seed in the cozy hearth of community, I’d love to welcome you to join us for Heartfelt Dreams.
We complete Heartfelt Dreams on Beltane,
the Celtic cross-quarter holiday that joyfully celebrates love and fertility on the midway point between
Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice.
“Working with Madeline has been transformational—life-changing! I’ve connected with soul-deep parts of myself that before I saw in glimmers, and experienced clarity, insight and forward movement in my creative endeavors. I feel as though I’ve shed a layer of skin and am moving into a more authentic expression of myself. The anxiety I experienced for years has shifted remarkably, and so have my relationships. Madeline is an extraordinary, heart-full guide for those seeking to move into a deep soul-space, and for anyone looking to blossom more fully into who and what they’re here to be.”
“I experienced so much inner transformation that I feel like I’m living in a whole new interior landscape, and my exterior life is beginning to shift now in ways I thought were impossible when I began. The embodied trauma resolution work we did was so powerful and healing at the deepest layers of my being.”
-Allison W
“I don’t have the words to express my gratitude for how you have helped guide me on my spiritual journey. I have so much joy in my heart ... I never knew life could be like this. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”
“My 1:1 Mentorship experience was profound. It was more than I thought it was going to be, and it brought me home to myself in a way I didn’t expect. I had been on a very long journey of learning, self-discovery, and trying to heal from a lot of childhood and relationship trauma. After going through Mentorship, I feel rooted in my true nature in a way I have not known before. Madeline was incredibly kind, patient, and non-judgmental - she holds a powerful sacred space for healing and awakening. I’d recommend Mentorship to those who are looking for a safe, loving, gentle container to remember their truest selves and find their way back home within.”
-Shaina S.
“Madeline gently guided me to places I had buried deep in my Soul. I felt safe to release the pain and trauma I held onto that prevented me from moving forward in my life. Every time a Mentorship session was completed, I experienced a lightening of my being and spark for life that I thought I lost with the death of my daughter.”
-Julie P.C.