Nourish your inner oracle
Perhaps in the midst of these trying times, exhaustion has set in and you’re reading this thinking, I’m too tired to consider what questions I’m leaning into. I don’t have the energy. If that’s you, I hear you and honor your capacity. Perhaps your question might sound something like: how can I tend to and care for myself right here and now… what do I really need?
Spiritual Resourcing vs. Spiritual Bypassing
I want to start today’s letter by acknowledging the immensely heartbreaking and transformational times we’re in. Life is moving very quickly and intensely, from the pandemic to the seemingly countless murders of innocent black people.
Love lessons, spontaneous encounters, and service in the time of solitude
Is there an opportunity for spontaneous service? Perhaps leaving an encouraging note on a stranger’s car. Sending a letter to a friend. Donating to your favorite charity. Planting a tree. Reaching out to someone who inspires you with a love letter. How can you show up and interact with the world around you, even if that world is limited to your home right now?
The greatest show on Earth is happening in our hearts
There is a place on Earth where humans exist in harmony with nature. Where heartfelt exchange is the currency. Where organic food doesn’t need to be labeled because it was obviously grown biodynamically with love in the garden just outside the door, so who needs a label?
A story about freeing the elephant in the room
There are a lot of questions we, the world at large, are currently facing. Collective questions on where things will go from here, how things will change, how things won’t change, all the things. While we don’t know what’s going to happen a week from now, a month from now, a year from now…
Finding God in a bar
Have you noticed any judgments around a place, person, group of people, or way of being lately? How can you approach this from your soul’s perspective this week? Even the courage to take one small step into the room with it will start the process of growing past what you think you know.
Want to see angels? Look inside.
Embodiment is the alchemy of spirit and matter. Your humanity and divinity aren’t two separate entities – one “good” and the other “bad.” Your body and spirit are an indivisible whole. Together, they’re an instrument for angels, and your voice is a harmonic note that adds to the symphony of life.
What rats taught me about miracles
I lovingly encourage you to talk to your animals, plants, the land that surrounds you, and of course - humans! When you enter challenging conversations with sincerity and openness, what comes forward may completely shift your perspective. In some circles, a shift in perspective is the definition of a miracle.
Redefining the Beloved on Beltane
This year, I celebrated Beltane with a strong intention to connect with the Beloved. I did this through an impromptu Angelic Breath Healing journey the night of Beltane (May 1st) and then spent the next two days honoring this auspicious portal in community at the herbalism school I attend.
How to ask for angelic support from the heart
When it comes to communicating with the Divine, there’s no right or wrong way. Your spiritual practice is sacred, and I’m not here to tell you how to do it. I am here, however, to lovingly encourage you to communicate, to ask, to explore your relationship to the wisdom within in a way that resonates with you.
What I learned at the altar of Mary Magdalene
My invitation, as inspired by her, is to close your eyes and visit her altar in your mind's eye. Meet Magdalene herself. Let her receive you, as YOU. Whatever you carry today, lay it on the altar. Nothing is too heavy, too profane, too shallow, too deep for Her.